The B'esorah according to Avraham
Rabbi Tzahi Shapira, Instructor
Course Code: Tor-102
A. Course Description
In this extensive course we will focus on the book of Beresheit (Genesis) as we identify an
incredible pattern and a framework to the Good News. What is "The Good News?" and What
does it mean?" "Can we learn from Avraham as we transform to the image of the Messiah?" In
this Theological, yet practical life-changing Discipleship Course we will review the eight
principles from the book of Genesis that will transform us to the Image of the Messiah as we
uncover the Messianic implications of the creation.
B. Course Objectives
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Identify key Messianic Prophecies about the Messiah in the book of Genesis
2. Be introduced to many new Jewish concepts, methodologies and more.
3. Prepare to walk into greater Covenant with HaShem
C. Pre-Requisites
Heb-101 Tor-101
D. Grading Scale:
There will be 2 Tests (33% of your grade), a written Exam (33%) and an Oral Exam (33%) . Please note that there are not tests "Retakes".
E. About the Instructor:
Tzahi (Itzhak) Shapira was born and raised in an observant Jewish home in Israel in a Sephardic
upbringing. After years of formal Jewish education he found the Jewish Messiah within the
Hebrew writings. Tzahi Shapira holds a full Rabbinic S’micha from the IAMCS. Currently,
Rabbi Shapira serves as the founding senior Rabbi of Ahavat Ammi Ministries